We are looking for a very unusual person who is all of the following? A business strategist who can process facts and data to sharply define opportunities andcommercial objectives.? A social anthropologist who is constantly studying people - their beliefs, values,relationships, habits, behaviours and actions, and therefore understands how toinfluence any these facets for any identified target audience.? A design strategist who can uncover problems that are worth solving or opportunities toadd values in the life of consumers within context of the category for our client’s brand.? A program designer who can integrate disparate activation components into a seamlessand relevant consumer experience.? A story teller who can mesmerise any audience with a point of view that is delivered asan engaging story.? A diplomat who can identify key behavioural changes required across stakeholdergroups and influence each to drive effective collaboration.Key responsibilities? Developing and presenting activation strategy mainly for campaigns that leads topurchase conversions but not limited to point of purchase.? Developing and presenting agency case studies and credentials.? Contributing to thought leadership initiatives by helping with the writing of white papersand awards show entries.? Contributing to development of training materials and knowledge sharing initiatives.Mandatory requirements? Speaks and writes English fluently.? Minimum 5 years of experience in related roles and industries.? Understands both qualitative and quantitative research sufficiently to be able to readresearch reports.? Able to showcase work portfolio that includes communications, digital and social.Bonus points if you have? The minimum ability to communicate (written & verbal) in Mandarin with the help ofGoogle translate.? Experience in personal care category.? Current or prior working experience in China market.职责描述:1. 参与项目创意构思,文案创作及客户提案;2. 独立担当项目的统筹和运营;3. 针对策划工作与其他部门的沟通与协调;4. 根据公司发展规划,规划公司所有品牌推广策略;5. 认真完成公司及领导交待的其他工作任务。任职要求:1. 较好的人际沟通能力,良好的语言表达能力,灵活、机智的处事能力;有强烈的工作责任心和团队合作精神,能承担较大的工作压力;2. 5年以上广告策划工作经验,有shopper marketing 经验;3. 英语听说读写熟练;4. 具有广告公司、公关公司相关工作经验者优先考虑。

- 所属行业:广告/会展/公关
- 所在地区:广东-广州市
- 联系人:
- 手机:会员登录后才可查看
- 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
- 邮政编码:
- 地址:广州市海珠区滨江东路183~203号金海湾三楼