易谋广告是一家由多位国际4A资深广告人在2003年发起创立的,致力于为客户提供品牌整合营销、品牌管理、品牌设计、广告创意、策划、执行等服务的综合型专业广告公司。多年来我们凭借丰富的广告行业实战经验、广泛的品牌服务经历、独到精准的广告创意及表现、实效的项目设计与执行,为国内外各类企业客户提供高水准、专业化和可操作性的综合性市场服务,帮助客户树立鲜明持久的品牌形象,全方位的提高了企业的竞争力。一直以来我们始终坚持:以客户的利益为导向,用创新的思维发现问题,凭独到的智慧解决问题,为客户创造价值最大化。值得欣慰和自豪的是:我们经过多年来的不懈努力,赢得了众多国内、外企业的认同与赞赏。www.emouad.comEMOU advertising company was founded in 2003 by a group of experience, creative dedicated industry leading professionals. It is a synthesis specialized advertisement company, which dedicates to provide integration of brand marketing, management, brand design, advertisement creativity, plan, execution for our customers. For many years, with our rich advertisement profession actual combat experience, widespread brand service experience, unique accurate advertisement creativity and performance, actual effective project design and execution, we provide high standard, professional and feasible integrated marketing service for each kind of domestic and foreign enterprise customer, help our customers establish a lasting distinctive brand image,win market position, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises